Beck’s Installs Quality Assurance Seed Lab

Beck’s, the largest family-owned retail seed company and the third-largest seed brand in the United States, announced the installment of a quality assurance seed lab to test warm, cold, and saturated cold germination for corn, soybeans, and wheat.

“This investment allows Beck’s to have direct access and hands-on interaction with products to understand better what farmers experience in the field,” said Sonny Beck, CEO of Beck’s. “It’s our utmost priority that farmers receive the best in seed quality, and this innovative measure supports that mission.”

Beck’s will utilize trays of soil and kimpack versus a rolled paper towel to measure seed viability. By conducting tests in soil, Beck’s will observe the uniformity of emergence leading to a greater understanding of product germination. In addition to germination testing, the seed lab will conduct trait verification and waxy testing.

“It’s important that we have the same perspective as farmers,” said Jim Herr, processing, inventory, and wholesale manager. “By placing the seeds in soil rather than a paper towel, Beck’s has a greater opportunity to observe the growth in the lab as a farmer would observe in the field.”

The quality assurance seed lab will utilize three germination tests, warm, cold, and saturated cold. The warm germination test assesses the viability of the seed in ideal growing conditions. The cold germination test evaluates the emergence of a seed lot in cold temperatures. The saturated cold germination test is a high-stress vigor test that emulates imbibitional chilling shock and low oxygen levels.

Located in Beck’s new east soybean tower in Atlanta, Ind., Beck’s quality assurance seed lab will start operating in August 2022. Visitors and guests can tour the seed lab during Becknology Days on August 25-27, 2022.

Founded in 1937, Beck’s began when Lawrence Beck and his son, Francis, planted hybrid parent seed corn, developed by the Purdue University Botany Department, on six acres of land in Atlanta, Ind. Today, Beck’s has seen tremendous growth, doubling in size every 6.5 years, leading to the number one selling corn and soybean seed brand in Indiana and the third-largest corn and soybean brand in the United States.