Syngenta and Nuseed SA Reach Purchase Agreement for Sunflower Hybrids and Genetic Base

Syngenta and Nuseed have reached a purchase agreement consisting of four existing sunflower hybrids (Paraiso 1500 CL Plus, Paraiso 1600 CL Plus, Paraiso 102 CL and Aromo CL), the recently registered sunflower hybrid Paraiso 1800 CL Plus and their genetic base, which was originally owned by Nidera SA and later acquired by Syngenta This agreement comes as a result of the CNDC’s objection report (Comision Na Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia, Argentinian Anti Trust Comission) that raised concerns around the Syngenta-Nidera merger. As part of this transaction, Syngenta will stop producing, promoting and commercializing the sunflower hybrids from Nidera’s previous portfolio along with the Nidera parental breeding program and commercialization.

For the remainder of 2022, Nidera will continue commercializing and carrying out the after-sales service for the portfolio of the existing four commercial hybrids sold, except for the recently registered Paraiso 1800 CL Plus. Starting in 2023, those four hybrids will begin to be marketed by Nuseed.

“At Syngenta we are developing a sustainable sunflower business. The company will continue with the development of its own germplasm and will continue to focus its research, development and commercialization of the main crops in Argentina, helping producers to produce in a sustainable and efficient way”, said Francisco López Aufranc, Syngenta Seeds Director for South Latin America.

“Sunflower is a core technology in our global seed platform,” Nuseed Group Executive, Brent Zacharias, said. “These sunflower assets will support our growth in Argentina and further expand our global sunflower germplasm and breeding capacity. This germplasm is a high value asset that has more than 40 years of selection and adaptation to the main sunflower production environments in Argentina as well as to other production areas in the world.”

Sunflower is a major oilseed and snack crop, occupying approximately 24 million hectares of land worldwide and producing approximately 32 million metric tons of grain annually.

“Sunflower is a key crop for us. This investment provides a broader sunflower footprint in Argentina and a highly complementary genetic line to our existing sunflower breeding program,” said Nuseed General Manager for Latin America, Jorge Moutous. “Among its main strengths are the excellent performance against diseases for sunflower cultivation, the high grain yield potential, the high oil content and the solid resistance to Clearfield and Clearfield Plus herbicides.”

Through this investment, Nuseed SA amplifies and increases its genetic base and strengthens its product portfolio, strengthening its leadership position in the sunflower seed market.