ASTA Says Access to Seed is Imperative for Food Security


As we all know, it’s been a long year. There’s been constant ups and downs, and some might even say it’s been a “wild ride”.

A wild ride is exactly how Brad May, chair of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), described his year on the board.

“We’re getting back to the new normal,” May says. “This year has been proven a challenge on a few fronts, in addition to continuing setbacks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our industry has been deeply affected by the ongoing attacks on Ukraine, and I’m proud that ASTA was able to adapt and meet the farmers’ demand during the pandemic despite the transportation and other challenges.”

Movement of seed across the U.S. and across the globe continues to be a priority as ASTA continues, especially as attacks continue in Ukraine.

While global food prices have increased, May sees a solution to continue to feed the world.

“Access to seed is critical to food security. As the world is filling the impacts of the war in Ukraine, the U.S. seed industry has continued to do everything possible to ensure the flow of seed around the globe. We stand ready to support efforts to provide timely humanitarian relief, alleviate supply chain challenges and maximize the ability of U.S. farmers, processors and suppliers to ensure global access to food, feed and fuel,” he continues.

But, though there have been some challenges, ASTA is making strides in its organization, including the new addition of a sustainability strategic pillar and sustainability working group to its structure. Treated seed and stewardship continue to be an important focus as well.

ASTA is continuing education movements to remind growers and applicators handling treated seed to follow proper guidelines at every step of the process. ASTA also released a new and updated webpage for more information to share with customers about the correct usage and disposal methods of treated seed.

In addition, ASTA has elected new members to its executive board, consisting of:

  • Jim Schweigert, Chair
  • David Armstrong, 1st Vice Chair
  • Dan Foor, 2nd Vice Chair

“It’s hard to believe it’s already been nearly a year since I stepped into my chairman role,” May says. “It’s been an honor and a privilege to lead ASTA and represent the interests and issues of our members.”