Quick Tips to Help Your Employees Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Whether it’s starting a new role, expanding a role or just getting comfortable in an industry, workers can experience a phenomenon called imposter syndrome. What this means is a self-doubt about personal abilities and feeling like fraud when presented with accolades, promotions or other achievements.

And it’s incredibly common.

In fact, 75% of women in executive positions report feeling of imposter syndrome, according to advisory firm KPMG in a recent Reuters article. Men experience the feelings too but are less likely to report it, the article continues.

Just because imposter syndrome is common, doesn’t mean it’s without a cure. Joining Seed Speaks are three talented women who’ve fought, and continue to fight, their own battles with imposter syndrome and help others do the same. Tune in May 4 at 12:00 CDT to hear from:

  • Jennifer Campbell is an author, freelance writer, podcaster, social media influencer and voice for agriculture. The central Indiana content producer raises corn, soybeans, wheat hogs and cattle and is a columnist for DTN and co-host of Girls Talk Ag. As an author, she looks to educate children about the agricultural industry with her story “Meet Pete” about a calf born on their farm.
  • Lynn Sosnoskie is an assistant professor at Cornell is SIPS, weed scientist and social media influencer where she disseminates scientific information for followers. She talks about hot-button science issues, human resource challenges such as imposter syndrome and other viewpoints to educate her audience. With a bachelor’s, master’s and PhD, she has considerable knowledge under her hat.
  • Portia Stewart started Mind Full Creatives this past year where she serves as content strategist, team leader and creative consultant. She’s passionate about helping companies utilize workshops that use design thinking and mindfulness principles to unlock the flow of ideas. With more than 20 years of experience in idea and content generation, she’s passionate about helping people generate ideas that move the needle.

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