New SCN Trait Deregulated for Defense Against the Billion Dollar Pest

Green ripening soybean field, agricultural landscape

Farmers have access to a new defense against soybean cyst nematode (SCN) as USDA recently deregulated a new genetically modified soybean variety to withstand the pest. The new variety, GMB 151 by BASF, is engineered to not only withstand the parasitic worm but also provide tolerance to HPPD, group 4, herbicides.

USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) deregulated the product on March 9, 2022. After a thorough petition process, examination of scientific data and weighing public comments, the organization has concluded in its closing PPRA that the GMB 151 soybean does not present a plant pest risk to agricultural crops.

More information on the final EA, PPRA and FONSI can be accessed on the APHIS Biotechnology Regulatory Services website.

As one of the most destructive pathogens in the regions of the U.S. and Canada, having a soybean resistant to the aggressive nature of the SCN is crucial. Recent estimates show the pest costs growers $1.5 billion in annual yield losses.

Because of widespread SCN infestation, most farmers are advised to take precautions such as continuous soil sampling before every second or third crop, according to Iowa State University nematologist Gregory Tylka. They’re investing valuable time and money into SCN research, and increased SCN tolerances found in traits, such as GMB 151, might help offset some of these losses.

Read more about ongoing research here:

Grow in the Know During SCN Action Month This October

Soybean Cyst Nematode is the Most Damaging Soybean Pathogen and it’s Spreading