IPSA Announces New Leadership, Hands Out Awards

At the Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA) Annual Business Meeting at the 33rd IPSA Annual Conference, IPSA voted in new board members for both their first and second terms. 

Board members being nominated for their second term included Chris Cornelius of Cornelius Seed and Terry Schultz of Mustang Seed. In addition, Aaron Conaway was nominated on the IPSA board for his first term. 

In addition, IPSA honored one retiring board member — Brett Hodnefield, the 2020-2021 IPSA president. 

“Brett has the distinction to be the longest board member to serve while I have been CEO,” says Todd Martin, CEO of IPSA. “Brett was served an extra year as well as a few extra terms. He really stepped up, and he was a great president.”

IPSA also gave out two awards entitled the IPSA Lifetime Achievement Awards. CEO Todd Martin says while they would have been honored during the 2021 year, a virtual conference threw that off track. IPSA handed out awards to Chet Boruff, former CEO of Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA), and Alan Galbreth, CEO of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA). While Boruff has already retired, Galbreth recently announced his retirement from the ICIA.

“This is a real honor for me,” says Galbreth. “Many of you are members and customers of Indiana Crop, and it’s just a real honor to receive recognition.”

“I’ve had the greatest respect for the companies that [IPSA] represents and that part of the industry that you promote — it’s so important,” Boruff says. “A lesson I’ve learned for all of us is when you have a vision and see something that needs to be done and don’t do it, it won’t get done. You need to move forward on that vision, flesh it out and find people that think the same way you do to build support and collaboration.”