Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Treatments

Category: Treatments

KAN-7, Kannar Earth Science

Commercial Launch: Oct. 2021

KAN7 is a unique blend of amino acids and an essential micronutrient.  KAN-7 is optimized to effectively promote crop establishment through seedling growth and vigor when applied to seed at low application rates.


What’s in it for seed companies? KAN-7 helps to facilitate colonization and growth of increased seed applied microbes through carbohydrate supply.

Seed companies can apply KAN-7 to seed at low application rates as part of a base seed treatment package or even an overtreatment offering.  KAN-7 has great seed safety and the return on investment is great for growers

Growers will see improved and more consistent and uniform seedling emergence and plant stand, thanks to early seedling vigor. Where this matters most is with seedlings managing abiotic stress. Growers know that early vigor often contributes to stronger yields.

Finally, KAN-7 maintains a multi-year shelf-life. In addition, when applied to seed, it has a multi-year on-seed stability and performance.

PhycoTerra® ST, Heliae® Agriculture

Commercial Launch: Feb. 2021


The result of more than 13 years of research in the microalgae, soil and crop science fields, PhycoTerra® ST is an innovative new seed treatment, sourced from nature. The goal? To wake up the seed microbiome, which is your seed’s first interaction with the soil. PhycoTerra ST adds a high-quality carbon source to the seed, specifically formulated to be an ideal food source for the beneficial native microbes on and around the seed.

An active and diverse microbiome plays an essential role in germination, stand establishment, and a crop’s eventual yield and vigor. PhycoTerra ST is a unique, shelf-stable formula that feeds and activates these microbes and puts them to work doing important jobs for your seed. Because PhycoTerra ST is formulated to feed a variety of inoculated microorganisms and beneficial soil microbes, it mixes well with other seed treatments, such as fungicides, insecticides, and inoculants, and is effective across an array of soil and crop types.

As drought and temperature extremes continue to grow as a concern, PhycoTerra ST can help a seed stand against these and other abiotic stresses.

SuperSede Seed Treatment Portfolio, FBSciences

Commercial Launch: May 2021


Need a crop-specific seed treatment that adds propulsion to your crop through the synergistic effects of tailored nutrition and a highly effective biostimulant? The SuperSede portfolio of seed treatment products has everything a grower might want — with specific products designed to treat soybean, small grains, cotton and corn alike. 

Designed to add propulsion to your crop to maximize the genetic potential of the seed, SuperSede works to the environment the seed is inhabiting. By marrying germination-specific nutrition formulations with FBS Transit — a biostimulant from FBSciences — together, the two work as a catalyst to maximize the physiology of germination and emergence regardless of what’s happening in the environment. It also creates a uniform stand. But why does a uniform stand matter?

A vigorous, uniform stand is the first hurdle to optimize genetics for higher yields. Any loss in vigor or uniformity will have consequences that last all season — consequences in pollination, grain set, grain size and final yield. SuperSede’s concentrated material allows the product to fit on the seed alongside pesticides, fungicides and more to add the crop propulsion effect to the crop potential of the seed genetics. 

Teraxxa, BASF

Commercial Launch: Jan. 2021

When it comes to wireworm protection, it can be difficult to find a product that eliminates concern. Enter Teraxxa, a seed treatment created by BASF. Teraxxa has a promise: to eliminate wireworms and reduce wireworm populations by breaking up their reproductive cycle in wheat.


But why fret over wireworms? The larvae stage of clickbeetles, wireworms have been wreaking havoc on wheat fields for years. Wireworms require two to 11 years to mature and can overwinter in the soil. Not only that, but they can move up or down in the soil profile in response to environmental conditions — particularly temperature. 

According to BASF, growers with wireworms can actually face a loss of more than 50% of seedlings — and the survivors may be stunted, which can further reduce yield. That’s a big hit to cereal growers. Previous products might temporarily intoxicate wireworms, but that could allow for pests to potentially return season after season. 

Instead of just stunning them, Teraxxa causes mortality and breaks the reproduction cycle rapidly in the field using the active ingredient Broflanilide. It binds directly to a specific site on the wireworm’s central nervous system to prevent chances of coming back. 
