Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products: Traits

Category: Traits

SOYLEIC® Soybeans, MOSoy

Commercial Launch: Summer 2021


SOYLEIC® genetics are a representation of Missouri Soybeans’ checkoff research at work. SOYLEIC soybeans are a non-GM, high oleic trait patented for use domestically and now internationally. Consumers are increasingly concerned with knowing what’s in their food and where it came from. The identity-preserved systems that help SOYLEIC soybeans deliver performance and functionality also enables full traceability from farm to fork. 

The high oleic soybean trait gives farmers the option of growing soybeans for specific markets. Two of those markets in particular are the soybean oil and meal post-crush markets. 

Today, the need for healthy soybean oil has never been greater. SOYLEIC soybeans have FDA heart-healthy approval, which positions it to grow in the U.S.’s consumable market as a stable oil product for food. 

With this innovative trait, SOYLEIC genetics have the opportunity to bring down barriers associated with health claims, which can then bring soybean oil back to regular human consumption and animal use. That could create a new market demand for soybean oil and expands the current high oleic portfolio.

In addition, SOYLEIC soybeans can support farmers’ efforts to meet the 2025 goals of reducing land use impact by 10% while decreasing soil erosion by an additional 25% — making it a sustainable product that minimizes effects on the environment.

ROXY RPS®, Albaugh, LLC and California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation

Commercial Launch: July 2021

ROXY RPS® (Rice Production System) is a rice production system and weed control tool that was inspired and is owned by the rice growers of California. 

The ROXY trait is a non-GM rice trait that provides tolerance to the post-patent herbicide ALB2023 and ALB2024. The trait was recovered in the variety M-206, known as California’s most widely grown Calrose variety. The first backcross to M-206 and M-210 have also been increased and purified for the first ROXY variety launch in the California rice market. 


Seven years of research show that the ROXY RPS using ALB2023 applied preplant in a water-seeded rice systems and post plant pre-flood in drill seeded rice production systems provides high levels of weed control for both broadleaf and grassy weeds including current Group 1 and Group 2 resistant weed biotypes. 

ROXY trait has been transferred into other varieties and grain types, so it could have far reaching benefits for rice growers. In the end: ROXY RPS provides the rice industry with a new tool for weed control to help address current and future rice production weed resistance. 

XtendFlex® Soybeans, Bayer

Commercial Launch: Summer 2021


A new segment of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, XtendFlex® soybeans are the seed industry’s soybean trait with tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate and glufosinate. Constant progress requires new innovations to keep evolving pests, including weeds, at bay. Those ideas include stacked traits. 

XtendFlex soybeans are built upon the high-yielding Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean technology that growers are already familiar with, with tolerance to both dicamba and glyphosate herbicides. With XtendFlex soybeans, farmers now get additional tolerance to glufosinate for more flexibility and herbicide choices to manage resistant and tough-to-control weeds. 

With three traits stacked into one, XtendFlex allows farmers to form an integrated weed management program based on the individual needs of the farm. Many growers define success as walking hand-in-hand with yield — which is impacted as weeds continue to develop and adapt to become resistant to current technologies. 2020 XtendFlex germplasm trials were conducted in 94 locations to demonstrate an average win rate of 70%. 

While the herbicides take care of fighting the weeds growers are combatting, the XtendFlex soybean system means the crop can withstand herbicide application, reducing weed pressure and allowing the field to reach higher yield potential.
