Seven New Varieties Named AAS Winners

All-America Selections (AAS), North America’s most well-known and respected non-profit plant trialing organization, is pleased to announce the following new AAS Winners for the 2022 garden season. In a record-setting comeback, after a 17-year drought, the organization is now proud to have three breeding breakthrough Gold Medal Winners in just the past 12 months, demonstrating the top-quality genetics that are being submitted to the AAS Trials:

All AAS Winners are trialed throughout North America by professional, independent, volunteer judges who grow new, never-before-sold entries next to comparisons that are considered best-in-class. Only those entries that had garden performance superior to the comparisons are granted the AAS award designation. Comparison varieties can be found on each AAS Winner webpage and in the descriptions below.

The newest AAS Winners are:

The most recently announced AAS Winners from the past 12 months are:

Growers, retailers and consumers will find these AAS Winners for sale as supply becomes available through the distribution chain. Click on the breeding company link below to email the breeder about ordering seed or cuttings. Garden communicators are free to begin writing about these varieties now to build demand.