Apply to Be Named One of Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products

You were probably taught not to brag as a kid, well, we’re telling you to throw that lesson out the window. Tell us about what your company is doing that benefits farmers and the seed industry as a whole.

We’re ready to be blown away by your innovation.

“The companies involved in the seed industry always impress me with the technologies they create and the talent they attract,” says Alex Martin, Seed World editor. “It’s time to honor the best and brightest innovations from the past year.”

This year, Seed World is honoring the 10 Most Innovative Products launched from Nov. 1, 2020 to Nov. 1, 2021. Here’s the scoop:

  1. It must somehow be related to seed.
  2. We need to know how it makes a game-changing difference.
  3. The product must be unique and move the needle.

And, of course, you need to complete the entire application (it’s only five questions, one photo upload and an email address so we can let you know if you win). Provide your entry, or entries, by Nov. 15, 2021, to be considered.

Winners will be included in an online and print article in Seed World. In addition, we’ll provide winning companies with a badge to put on the product’s website that indicates you were a 2021 winner of Seed World’s Most Innovative Products.

We’re excited to showcase innovators in the seed industry—are you one of them?

Nominations are now closed.