Inari Collaboration with Eden Enterprise Expands Access to Corn Genetics

Inari, the SEEDesign company, announced a strategic collaboration with Eden Enterprise, Inc. that enables access to Stine’s elite corn breeding program to further advance the development of unique and competitive products. 

“We see tremendous potential with gene editing for our corn and soybean breeding programs,” said Harry Stine, president of Eden Enterprise. Stine’s unique approach to corn breeding is driving rapid performance gains in the market and the collaboration announced today further builds on the agreement announced in May with the soybean breeding program, he continues.

“By continuing to expand our genetic base, we enable greater genetic diversity using our predictive design and multiplex gene editing technologies,” said Ponsi Trivisvavet, chief executive officer at Inari. “Inari is committed to building nature-positive solutions that enhance productivity in order to build a more sustainable food system. Because of this commitment, we have built a unique technology platform.” 

Inari’s SEEDesign platform is targeting to deliver a 10% yield boost per acre for corn while driving down the use of water and nitrogen by up to 40%. With a diverse genetic base, Inari uses artificial intelligence to gain understanding of the complexities and opportunities of nature. From sequence to phenotype to field performance — data science and software engineering are used to power the platform to drive Inari’s advanced multiplex gene editing technology. 

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