Partnership Enables AI Technology to Predict Growing Season Challenges

Beautiful sunrise over field pea

SEEDWAY, LLC recently announced it was teaming up with Pollen Sense to help growers better understand and predict challenges throughout the growing season. Using artificial intelligence (AI), producers will be able to offset some risk by working ahead.

Pollen Sense using digital microscopy and AI to monitor the air for fungal pathogens. The group provides reports to users in real-time to allow growers to understand the scope of disease pressure and any existing diseases in their fields or regions. This gives growers opportunity to make decisions before much, if any, yield or quality is impacted.

A regional trial is underway in southern Georgia and 9 sensors have been placed on numerous farms, including a SEEDWAY facility. Growers will be able to access hourly data via an app or the web, as well as view heat maps of airborne pathogens via the web. Heat maps will reset every 24 hours and at the end of each day an hourly report will be run that will provide a brief overview of the days pathogen counts (as seen in the sample below).


The end goal is to not only be aware of what unseen factors are present in the air, but to be able to plan ahead for the next growing season and better predict for pathogens and diseases that may effect operations.

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