Seed Speaks: A Deep Dive Into NBTs Regulatory Status, Future and Place in Ag

Science is outpacing regulatory agencies around the world, and they’re scrambling to identify, categorize and regulate these new processes. As researchers create new ways to bring technology to the forefront, the response from regulators and consumers has differed greatly across the globe.

Agricultural technology is no different. New breeding techniques (NBTs), such as gene editing, have the potential to create step-change in seed and variety development, if researchers are given the latitude to use it.

From Canada, to Europe, to the United States, each major agricultural producer has taken a different approach to regulating NBTs. Learn more about the technologies themselves, how they’re being regulated and consumer response in the next episode of Seed Speaks on Sept. 8, 2021.

Join to hear from these dynamic speakers:

Fan-Li Chou is the vice president of scientific affairs and policy at the American Seed Trade Association. She has more than 10 years of experience with agriculture biotechnology regulations and trade. Chou also has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Jennifer Hubert is the director of plant biotechnology at CropLife Canada. She brings more than 15 years of experience in seed regulatory function, including securing approvals for plants with novel traits, novel foods and novel feeds in Canada.

Garlich von Essen is the secretary-general of Euroseeds where he manages the association and its staff, developing strategic policy campaigns on Euroseeds’ priority issues and positioning Europe’s seed industry.

Mark your calendars TODAY!

September 8, 2021 12:00 CDT Seed Speaks: A Deep Dive Into NBTs Regulatory Status, Future and Place in Ag

Check out previous episodes of Seed Speaks:

The Art of Hiring Seasonal Employees

Playing it Safe in the Lab

How to Get Ag Candidates to Accept a Job Offer

A Hybrid Future Business for the Seed Industry