If You’ve Never Heard Of Agriplex Genomics, It’s Because Your Competition Doesn’t Want to Share

Though we’ve been in the genotyping services marketplace for six years, many crop and livestock breeders haven’t yet heard of our business. We take that as a compliment. 

Our customers, especially the large throughput ones who want to implement our technology in-house, are very tight lipped about what we do for them. That’s understandable: since we’re giving them a leg-up in the marketplace, it’s not in their best interest for their competition to know. In fact, to date we’ve been a well-kept industry secret. Now that we’ve built our internal capacity, we’re ready to expand. 

Our mission is to help agricultural researchers improve the overall quality of their plants and livestock by accelerating their genomic programs through targeted, mid-density genotyping. That said, we’re not the right tool for everyone. Unlike our competitors, we don’t offer detailed information on just a handful of SNPS the way single-plex providers do. Nor do we provide the unnecessary data that comes from running large numbers of SNPs in high-density formats. Instead, we bridge the gap between single-plex and high-density technologies, targeting our services to the livestock or crop breeder who seeks the crucial data from a mid-range of SNPs (as few as 50 or as many as 3,500). 

In addition to our mid-density capacity, our customers value:

Our cutting-edge technologyOur innovative genotyping and reporting technologies mean we can provide high-quality, actionable results faster and more inexpensively than anyone on the market today.  

Our timeliness. We get it: speed matters. When breeders are making selections in the field, they need usable data fast so they can target their efforts and inputs towards the genetics they want. We guarantee results in four to six weeks. In certain cases, we can offer expedited two-week turn-around. 

Our flexibility. We can provide full-service genotyping from extraction to reporting through our state-of-the-art lab. Or, for certain qualified clients (projects with 5000 samples or more), we offer a PlexSeq kit, which allows researchers to bring our methodology and technology home to their own labs. 

Our commitment to top-notch serviceWe see ourselves as part of our customers’ research teams. Phone us; we’ll pick up. Ask us; we’ll seek out answers. Invest with us; we’ll add clear value to your research dollars. We’re not looking for one-time customers: we’ll work to earn our place in our customers’ programs over the long term.

PlexSeq is one of the better-kept secrets in the marketplace. Once we educate companies on this technology, the interest is piqued. It’s a real pleasure working with customers who value what we do and who really want to work with us.