New Launching Turf Varieties from DLF 2020

Authentic seamless natural green grass lawn flat lay background

As usual fall is the season for DLF to launch new varieties from our product development pipeline. We aim to innovate, renew and enhance our portfolio and to cover your market needs.

This year is no different, despite the COVID19 situation, we can now present to you the innovations in turf portfolio.

A strong team of new varieties is here to “future proof” your turf portfolio.

Renewal of mixtures rejuvenates the population of plants and strengthens the general disease resistance and spread of turf diseases.

Mahindra. Chewings fescue that offers fine soft texture and a super health level. Ideal for lawn and landscape.

GIMA. GIMA Chewings fescue is the quality choice for professional turf solutions demanding top performance in close mow management.

Absolom. Slender creeping red fescue. A highly recommended variety over all parameters from health to density. Light and fresh green colour. Fit for professional use. Performing exceptionally well in low mow managements.

Creepstar. Perennial ryegrass with superior persistence despite its very fine leaves. You gain a good wear and traffic tolerance of the area and a good ability to recover. A versatile mixing partner in the temperate and warm climates.

Fayette. Tall fescue with drought tolerance out of the ordinary. The low input era has begun and Fayette will stand its ground through the dry times even under wear and traffic.

Rhizing Moon. Tell fescue on the darker side of the green colour spectre. Expect a dense and well performing sward for lawn, park or traffic areas.

Greenmed. Ladies and gentlemen: Worlds first ever alfalfa turf variety! With the arrival of Greenmed the offer of legumes for turf is enlarged. The turf type white clovers, Microclover, have proven their efficiency. We now expand with a super drought tolerant, non-creeping, N-fixing solution for the landscape that needs a lush look and low management input.