Cuba Passes Law to Create Regulating Commission for the Use of GMOs

Cuba published a decree law that creates a commission to regulate the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) will chair the new Commission to ensure that there is a consistent and comprehensive decision-making process in regulating GMOs while at the same time taking into consideration the interests of the state as this will apply to all activities in the Cuban agriculture sector.

The law aims to regulate the research, development, production, use, import, and export of GMOs while promoting the participation of science, technology and innovation, universities, private companies, and government and national entities. The law also enforces that all GMO-related activities will have an adequate risk assessment, precaution, transparency, sufficient communication, and ethical responsibility during implementation. It also requires the development of a unique and differentiated GMO traceability and labeling system which must be implemented prior to any product commercialization.

The law intends to create a structure on the basis of environmental and biological safety by using scientific and feasible evaluation methods with a coherent and transparent approval system. It also harmonizes Cuban practice with existing international instruments like the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the CODEX Alimentarius. This the government’s response to utilize GM technology to promote sustainable agricultural development and complement conventional agriculture.

Source: ISAAA