Inspire, then Improve: Q&A with Coby Kriegshauser

Coby Kriegshauser, co-owner of Scott Seed Co., shares about the most important leadership characteristics he thinks everyone should have as well as his experience working on the ASTA leadership team.

Seed World (SW): Are you listening to any podcasts right now?

Coby Kriegshauser (CK): Yes, I like to listen to several podcasts to keep up to date on things in the industry, as well as in the news. For industry information, I listen to Sorghum Smart Talk and the ASTA Better Life podcast. However, I also enjoy listening to both Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan for a bit more of a fun podcast.

SW: What’s your No. 1 hobby? 

CK: I enjoy mountain and road biking.

SW: Best part about living in Texas?

CK: Really everything! It’s hard to pick just one good thing about Texas — it’s all fantastic.

SW: Who’s a leader who influenced you most in your life?

CK: My dad was the person who influenced me in life, but Bill Townsend helped me learn about sorghum business.

SW: What do you think is the most important skill a leader should have?

CK: Leaders should inspire people to do things they never thought they could do and then improve from there.

SW: What drew you to be a part of the ASTA leadership team? 

CK: The opportunity to be around leaders in the industry and learn everything about the seed business to help our company grow.

SW: Top 3 priorities this year for the South?

CK: There are three things we’re working on doing right now in our industry and business:

1. Stay informed 

2. Maintain leadership with exports

3. Think outside the box