Syngenta Enhances Briskway Fungicide Label for Increased Disease Control

To provide golf course superintendents with increased application flexibility and disease control on their courses, Syngenta worked with the EPA to enhance the label for Briskway fungicide, the proven cooling DMI and strobilurin combination.

The enhanced Briskway fungicide label provides:

  • Increased maximum application rate from 0.725 fl. oz./1,000 ft.2 to 1.2 fl. oz./1,000 ft.2
  • Higher maximum annual rate from 1.47 fl. oz./1,000 ft.2 to 3.6 fl. oz./1,000 ft.2
  • Increased number of annual applications from three to seven
  • Greater efficacy for curative applications
  • Greater control with no heat restrictions or growth regulation
  • Increased control of diseases including take-all root rot and fairy ring

“The amended Briskway label provides greater flexibility and enhanced control with a product superintendents have trusted for the past eight years,” says Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager for Syngenta. “With the additional rates, superintendents can increase their control with a single application. Additionally, they no longer have to reserve Briskway applications for summer use or for particular diseases. They can use it throughout the season to meet the needs of their individual courses as they see fit.”

The differing modes of action from azoxystrobin and difenoconazole in Briskway work together at a calculated rate that performs in high temperatures reducing the risk of harmful side effects. Together, they enable Briskway to control a broad spectrum of diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot, anthracnose, Rhizoctonia zeae, summer patch, fairy ring and take-all root rot.

“Years of research have shown that Briskway is safe to use on either cool- or warm-season turfgrasses in high-stress conditions,” says Lane Tredway, technical services manager for Syngenta. “Briskway brings a powerful combination of QoI and DMI modes of action without the risk of phytotoxicity, unwanted growth regulation, or additional stress from applications.”