SAA is Committed to the Agri-Food Chain During COVID-19

As the COVID-19 process continues, the Seed Association of the Americas (SAA) continues to be committed to the agri-food chain. Diego Risso, executive director of SAA, writes:

The seed industry of the Americas, comprised of small, medium and large companies operating at national and international level, as well as national research institutes and universities, are committed to ensuring the supply of high-quality seeds necessary to guarantee the production and availability to safe and healthy food.

In this time where we have to adapt to the crisis caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19), the SAA and its members are committed to operating production and distribution chains under the strictest security regulations imposed by national authorities and the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

High-quality seeds are an essential part of every food production system; therefore, the SAA urges all National governments recognize this and declare the seed sector a critical link in the agri-food chain. Declaring seed as essential will help ensure crops are planted and food systems are supplied throughout this state of emergency.

Crop harvest and planting are taking place throughout the Americas, these activities are time-sensitive and products can be perishable; efficient transportation and logistics are critical to the functioning of the food supply chain for many months to come.

As an essential part of the food supply chain, the SAA requests governments and their regulatory offices prioritize resources to ensure continued, smooth and uninterrupted seed movement local and internationally (seed import/exports) since there is no evidence that seeds are a likely route of transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

The SAA and its members will work to deliver seed, the essential crop input, so farmers can continue to supply healthy and abundant food for all people.

The SAA and its members are available to collaborate with government regulators to ensure necessary safety protocols are adopted and food production is uninterrupted.