ASTA and AOSA/SCST Cancel June 2020 PLDC

ASTA is disappointed to announce the cancellation of the June Policy & Leadership Development Conference (PLDC), which was to be held in conjunction with AOSA/SCST’s Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. Both host organizations were looking forward to bringing together the seed industry and the seed testing community for this valuable opportunity for education and connection. The health and safety of our membership is our highest priority and because of the current coronavirus global pandemic, we did not want to put our attendees at risk. ASTA will continue to communicate the important issues facing the seed industry to keep all its members updated on the latest challenges and opportunities facing the seed industry. ASTA has been actively tracking information related to COVID-19 on a new informational webpage and weekly calls are being held with our membership to keep them apprised of the impacts specific to our business. If you would like to take part in these calls, contact

If you were registered for the PLDC and have questions related to your registration, contact Jennifer Crouse at