Year of the Corn

Photo from Whaley Seed.

Origin: North American

Family: Grasses

Genus: Corn

Includes: Field corn, ornamental corn, popcorn and sweet corn

Types of Sweet Corn: Sugary types, sugary enchanced types, supersweet or shrunken, augmented types and syngergistic types

Why is It So Popular?: Versatility! Eaten straight off the cob or included in side dishes, appetizers, entrees, and even desserts; sweet corn can be enjoyed prepared as part of a sweet or savory dish or even popped for a popular snack. Abundant, adaptable and highly versatile, sweet corn is woven into the fabric of our country’s heritage.

Popular Sweet Corn Varieties: American Dream F1, Honey Select F1, Honey ‘N Pearl and How Sweet It Is F1

Breeders: Garden Trends, Bonnie Plants, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, Harris Seeds, Hoss, Osborne Quality Seeds, West Coast Seeds, Jung Seed, Terrirotial, Park Seed, Botanical Interests, Burpee, A.P. Whaley, Earl May, Willhite Seed Inc. 

Source: National Garden Bureau