Limagrain Group Executive Committee Appointments

Limagrain Group Executive Committee, from left to right:

There have been changes to the team working with Damien Bourgarel, CEO and Daniel Jacquemond, Deputy CEO at Limagrain.

Christophe Brasset was appointed CEO of Limagrain Coop last May after a career of morethan 30 years in the agricultural cooperative segment. 

Régis Fournier became CEO of Field Seeds at the end of August after acquiring solid experience in the field seeds segment at Maïsadour, an international cooperative group. Valérie Mazza, Corporate VP for Scientific Affairs and Innovation since 2012, joined theExecutive Committee.

As of November 1, Agnès Mistretta, Corporate VP for Human Resources since 2017, was also appointed Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which the Group has been committed to since 2012.Franck Berger, CEO of Vegetable Seeds since 2016, and Vincent Supiot, Group CFO since 2017, round out the Group Executive Committee. The Garden Products activity has been overseen by Daniel Jacquemond since 2018 and the Cereal Ingredients and Bakery Products activities by Damien Bourgarel since 2016.

Remember that Limagrain, whose parent company is the Cooperative, has unprecedented governance among segment leaders. Limagrain is co-managed by the tandem of Pascal Viguier, elected Farmer Chairman, and Damien Bourgarel, appointed salaried CEO.