Syngenta Offers Broad Choice of Traits with NK Soybeans for 2020

To help make sure farmers have their best chance for maximum profit potential with weed management options in 2020, Syngenta is setting the standard for soybean trait choice with the newest NK soybean portfolio offerings. The 68 new varieties available for the 2020 season include Enlist E3 soybeans, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend and LibertyLink GT27, empowering farmers with the industry’s broadest choice of herbicide traits to manage tough-to-control weeds in their fields.

“NK soybeans have long been recognized for delivering consistently high yields. For more than 50 years, we’ve operated an advanced soybean breeding program focused on delivering the best genetics with strong defensive traits to protect against yield-robbing pests and diseases,” says Travis Kriegshauser, Syngenta strategic marketing manager for soybeans. “We’re committed to being the provider of choice by coupling the industry’s highest-yielding soybean genetics with today’s leading herbicide trait technologies. That combination makes NK the right option for farmers seeking a trusted advisor who can help them navigate the complexities of soybean traits to maximize their profit potential.”

Growers have to weigh many factors to choose which soybean herbicide trait technology is the best fit for their farm. Consider the following questions:

What are my herbicide trait options?
NK has a complete lineup of high-yielding varieties with today’s most in-demand herbicide technology choices, including Enlist E3 soybeans, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend and LibertyLink GT27.

What’s the difference between these herbicide trait options?
The primary differentiator is the varieties’ herbicide tolerance options. Each field is unique; this choice allows farmers to create the best weed management program for their specific situation.

  • Enlist E3 soybeans are the most recent technology to hit the market. They offer tolerance to three modes of action: 2,4-D choline, glyphosate and glufosinate. Of the new NK varieties for 2020, 31 feature the Enlist E3 trait technology.
  • Roundup Ready 2 Xtend varieties are recognized for their proven performance in the field and offer tolerance to dicamba and glyphosate. For 2020, NK is offering 47 new varieties that feature Roundup Ready 2 Xtend.
  • LibertyLink GT27 varieties are also fairly new to the market and provide strong yield and agronomics for growers looking to manage weeds with glufosinate and glyphosate. The LibertyLink GT27 technology can be accessed in 19 NK varieties for next season.

“Regardless of which herbicide trait growers need for their fields, all NK varieties are part of an industry-leading soybean portfolio that continues to deliver some of the strongest and most stable yields across the U.S.,” Kriegshauser says.

Are these herbicide traits only tolerant to the specific herbicides noted above?
Yes, more than ever before, growers must take extra care to understand and manage their soybean acres with the proper approved herbicide chemistries.

Why should I be focused on soybean agronomic traits?
Genetic potential is just that: the potential for high yield performance. It must be protected throughout the growing season in order for that top-end yield to be realized and contribute to overall field profitability.

Which trait is right for my farm?
That is a really tough question. There are several factors to consider, including overall profitability, weed management needs and risk tolerance. Every farm is different and every field has unique challenges and needs. Contact your local NK retailer to have a discussion about your needs, and know that NK has a solution that fits your farm.

“Offering a comprehensive trait portfolio helps enable our soybean customers to get the most yield out of their acres, and the most profit potential for their farm, no matter their weed management preferences,” Kriegshauser says. “It’s one more way NK is delivering technology, genetics and value.”