Telling Our Story: Q&A with Amanda Zaluckyi

Amanda Zaluckyi, creator of the blog The Farmer’s Daughter, worries about the misinformation facing agriculture and how to fight it.

Seed World: Favorite genre of music?
Amanda Zaluckyi
: Jason Aldean. Wait…. he’s not a genre. Probably country, but I listen to a bunch of different stuff.

SW: Your favorite place to read the news?
Wherever I get the chance! Usually I click on a few favorite websites first thing when I get to the office.

SW: Most notable mentor in your life?
My parents.

SW: What are some of the challenges you face as you balance a life as a farmer, an attorney and a writer?
Focusing! I often find myself jumping from one thing to the other and nothing ever seems to get done. But when I focus on the task at hand I do better quality work. So I try to be “in the moment” and give all of my attention to whatever I’m doing: writing an article, writing a motion, or playing with Mischa.

SW: Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I noticed trends in my friends that, quite frankly, scared me. They were saying things like “I don’t trust our food system” and “It’s shocking to think of how we produce food in this country!” I found those types of comments so confusing because my family is a part of that food system, and I’ve never felt that way. I realized we needed to do a better job of telling our story.

SW: What’s the No. 1 thing you want consumers to know about modern agriculture?
Generally speaking, you don’t have the worry about your food. We have the most abundant, affordable, nutritious and safest food supply in history. Stop being afraid of it, and start appreciating it!

SW: How can the seed industry help dispel misinformation about agriculture?
Help us tell the story of agriculture! Seeds are absolutely fascinating, and the seed industry has an opportunity to share that with the public, especially as the public wants to know more about where their food comes from.