Status Philippines: GR2E Golden Rice Receives Green Light


The Philippine Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant Industry green lights the conduct of public consultations on the proposed field trials for GR2E Golden Rice.

The public consultation process is a significant component of biosafety regulatory approval under the Joint Department Circular No. 1 series of 2016. The consultation process comprises public information sheet postings in accessible community locations, a 30-day public comment period and a public hearing. This provides community members with the opportunity to participate responsibly in a critical biosafety decision-making process. Public consultations were held July 18 and July 19 in two different locations.

Together with PhilRice, the International Rice Research Institute is developing high-yielding inbred local rice varieties with the beta-carotene producing GR2E Golden Rice trait.

A complementary, food-based solution to vitamin A deficiency, Golden Rice is undergoing the regulatory process in Bangladesh. Earlier this year, GR2E Golden Ric, received positive food and safety assessments from three leading regulatory agencies: Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Source: International Rice Research Institute.