Checkoff Funds Research of New Soy Variety


A non-GMO launch is seldom seen outside of specialty crops, but thanks to years of collaboration and checkoff investment, TruSoya, a non-GMO high oleic soybean variety, is coming to life.

The new variety stands out in the oil category because its development is entirely farmer-owned, allowing TruSoya to be traced from field to refinery.

TruSoya is 70 percent high oleic, just when high oleic is being seen as a healthy cooking oil. High oleic oils have zero trans fats, less absorption and 30 percent less saturated fat than conventional soybean oil, including an ideal omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio. And, TruSoya has a high linoleic content, also important to consumers.

“Commercialization is the hardest step in this process,” Tom Slunecka, CEO of Minnesota Soybean, says. “It’s more difficult than financing or the basic research, but we truly feel we are taking the right steps to benefit farmers in creating an excellent product that consumers demand.”