Syngenta’s Jianxin Ren Retires from Board of Directors


On July 16, Jianxin Ren, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Syngenta AG, retired from the Board.

At Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on July 16, Gaoning “Frank” Ning was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Ning was recently appointed Chairman of China National Chemical Corporation Limited (ChemChina). Since December 2015, Ning has also served as Chairman of the Sinochem Group Co. Ltd. Prior to this, Ning was Chairman of COFCO Corporation (COFCO) and Vice Chairman and President of China Resources (Holdings) Co. Ltd.

Ning is one of China’s most influential business leaders; he is Co-chair of APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), Chairman of APEC China Business Council and an Executive Director of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Ning has an MBA from the Business School of University of Pittsburgh in the United States and is a certified senior international business engineer.

Jürg Witmer, Lead Independent Director of Syngenta AG, says, “I would like to thank Chairman Ren for his outstanding contribution to Syngenta. Chairman Ren will be remembered as the principal architect of the successful acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina and this has been instrumental in securing the long-term future of the company. We are very happy to welcome Ning as a highly experienced senior business leader with deep insights into the dynamics of the Chinese market and with extensive experience in the management of very successful agriculture and chemical companies.”