From DC: ASTA Honors Wendell Howard with Lifetime Honorary Member Award

This evening (June 13), the American Seed Trade Association recognized Wendell Howard of Warner Seed with its Lifetime Honorary Member Award during the inaugural Policy and Leadership Development Conference in Washington, D.C.

For 59 years, Howard has supported the seed industry, having served as president of the Texas Seed Trade Association (1992-93), president of the Southern Seed Association (1999) and president of the Western Seed Association (2014).

ASTA Chairman Tracy Tally, who presented the award, said Lifetime Honorary Members distinguish themselves through leadership, vision and service, as Howard definitely does.

“He is known worldwide as the sorghum man from Lubbock, Texas,” Tally said. “[Wendell] impacted my career in the seed industry, as well as many others. He started in 1959 — as a child, I remember my father speaking fondly of him, and now my children know him, as he’s also watched them grow up. Tonight, I’m very proud to honor Wendall Howard with the 2018 Lifetime Honorary Member Award.”

While still in college at Texas Tech University, Howard started working at R.C. Young Seed & Grain Co. After graduation in 1961, he became a full-time employee of the company and served on the Texas Certified Seed Board in 1963-64. When R.C. Young was sold to Agrigenetics in 1970, he continued through 1980 to fulfill his non-compete obligation. Afterwards, he spent 20 years with Richardson Seed, LLC, and today he works at Warner Seed and still lives in Lubbock.

Howard was unable to be at the convention, but he submitted acceptance remarks by video, during which he said: “I’ve spent the last 58 years of my life in the seed industry, and there are no better people anywhere. Where else in the world could you conduct a $500 million project with a handshake? It worked in 1960, and it works today. I am more than humbled by this award. It is my hope that I can be worthy of it … it is with utmost appreciation that I accept this award and will cherish it forever.”