Corn Farmers Welcome Barbre to RMA


barbreThe National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) congratulated NCGA Past President Martin Barbre on his selection to Administrator of the Risk Management Agency at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“Martin Barbre has been a long-time advocate for farmers, having dedicated decades of his life to serve his fellow farmers as a volunteer leader. We congratulate him on this well-deserved selection,” says NCGA President Kevin Skunes. “His passion for agriculture is apparent to all who meet him. He will bring the farmers’ perspective to his leadership in this important position.”

Martin Barbre owns and operates Chestin Farms and grows 6,000 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, and alfalfa, as well as specialty crops. Throughout his career, he has been a leader in a variety of agricultural groups, including serving as President of the Illinois Corn Growers Association and President and Chairman of the National Corn Growers Association from 2013-16. He graduated from Southeastern Illinois College in 1974 with a degree in Ag Business.