Learn About Dust-Off with Seed World Strategy Webinar

On Tuesday, April 3, Seed World will host a Strategy webinar on keeping dust-off out of fields, and out of the headlines. Anyone with an interest in the stewardship of seed treatments is encouraged to attend.

Registration is now closed. “As farmers in the Midwest are making their final planting preparations and waiting for ground temperatures to rise and the soil to dry out, it’s important to draw attention to the stewardship of treated seed and all the pieces that come into play,” says Julie Deering, Seed World editor and webinar moderator.

During the webinar, to be held at noon Central, participants will learn how seed treatment dust-off is tested for and measured; why rigorous testing protocols are important in the research and development stage, as well as post commercialization; and who is concerned and why.

The keynote speaker will be Amanda Ver Helst, SGS laboratory research manager. She will share how dust-off is tested for and measured. Ver Helst will be joined by BASF’s Justin Clark, Syngenta’s Bruno Sornin and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers Nick Tindell for a roundtable discussion. Participants will also have a chance to ask our speaker and panelists questions about seed treatment stewardship and dust-off during the question-and-answer session.

Once you’ve registered for the webinar, send us your questions in advance on Twitter using #StrategyWebinar. We look forward to hearing from you.