Seed World to Host Webinar on Weed Resistance

Of increasing concern to farmers is the growing number of resistant weeds they need to manage in their fields. As a service provider, you’ll need to be well versed about what’s happening on the ground level and what management options work best in which environments. That’s why Seed World will host a webinar tomorrow, Thursday, March 8 at noon Central on this very topic.

Weeds have developed resistance to 23 of the 26 known herbicide modes of action, according to the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds. In the South, Palmer amaranth is top of mind for growers; however, in the Corn Belt, farmers face a myriad of resistant weeds, including marestail, waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and giant ragweed.

Purdue University’s Bill Johnson, Extension weed specialist will spotlight what what’s been happening on the ground in Indiana and the message that farmers need to be hearing when it comes to integrated pest management. He will be accompanied by Dane Bowers of Syngenta, Andy Kendig of ADAMA and Diane Plewa of the University of Illinois Plant Clinic.

Registration is now closed. Participants will get a brief overview of how weeds become resistant, dig into where and what products are demonstrating a breakdown, and walk through different management strategies.

The experts agree: the days of easy weed management are over. Join us to learn what they’re recommending and the latest in seed testing as it relates to resistance.