New Software Aims to Provide Crop Protectant Insights

Today (March 1), Agbioinvestor and Kynetec launched sigma Select, a market strategy software that aims to provide affordable access to global agricultural market research with a special focus on crop protectants.

“sigma Select is a game changer,” says Fraser McDougall, a partner at Agbioinvestor. “We’ve spend a long time developing this product to the point where it is essentially unrivaled in the industry.

“sigma Select is about making life easier for our clients, while allowing users access to some of the highest quality and most robust data available on the crop protection market.”

The software gives users the ability to identify regional, country, crop and active ingredient level data, as well as market shares for the leading manufacturers in these markets. It include a range of currency options, different languages, trend information and support.

Users can get a one-year snapshot tool through sigma Select, or an analysis including five years of data through sigma Select Plus.

“Underpinning sigma Select is a significant body of Kynetec market research,” says Garry Mabon, another partner at Agbioinvestor and on of sigma Select’s lead analysts. “We believe that the combination of this research with Agbioinvestor’s knowledge and experience makes sigma Select the highest quality ex-manufacturer market analysis tool available for the crop protection industry.”

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