Growing Together: Q&A With Scott Kay

Scott Kay

Scott Kay, vice president of BASF U.S. Crop, speaks about New Year Resolutions and looking towards 2018 at BASF.

Seed World: What’s your favorite book?
Scott Kay:
I would have to say that any novel from John Grisham will have a space in my book shelf. I’ve been reading his books since The Firm came out. I enjoy thrillers and criminal cases, but what made me a fan of Grisham is that he writes about places that I’ve been to. I remember, for example, that early in my career as a sales rep, we had a meeting in Memphis and all I could think about was how the city was described in Grisham’s book. He makes it easier to connect with his stories.

SW: Favorite way to spend the weekend?
My two favorite things to do when I am not working are related to sports. One is attending college sports events or just watching on TV. If you live in North Carolina, and particularly in the Raleigh area, you will know that college sports will be the Monday morning talk in the office. My other favorite activity is watching my kids play sports. Both my daughter and my son are in basketball, my daughter just made the Varsity team for her high school!, and seeing them in action makes me so proud.

SW: Do you have a New Year’s Resolution for 2018?
I need to get more creative with my resolutions… and I also need to stick to them, so I don’t need to repeat them every year. To me it is always about finding more time with my family and loved ones and taking care of my health and fitness. More time to exercise wouldn’t be bad…

SW: Most notable mentor?
This is an easy one for me: my dad. He is farmer, he has run our family operations for his entire life and in everything he does, he looks for a way to be innovative and entrepreneurial. My passion for farming comes from him and my understanding of how exciting and pioneering agriculture can be is also his legacy. He is my life long mentor.

SW: One thing you learned from growers in your “In the Field” series?
This summer I was out in the field talking to growers who made the choice to use our latest herbicide, Engenia. I felt it was important to be there and listen to their experience with our latest innovation. I was only reassured of what I’ve known: Farmers are very responsible, it is part of their vocation to steward the land they hold in trust. And at the end, farmers will have a successful outcome with new technologies when following labels. Most important, farmers are part of a community and are willing to communicate and share their positive experiences.

SW: Where do you see the future of crop protection going?
I am positive that crop protection will continue to be an extremely relevant input to make farming sustainable and profitable. The market will continue to grow because mother nature will continue to evolve and surprise us. The industry will develop and absorb new technologies and hopefully we will be able to help farmers get their jobs done.

SW: What do you want to accomplish in 2018 at BASF?
2017 has been an extremely successful year for BASF. To me, I want a 2018 that carries the same spirit as we had this year: We want to keep partnering with our customers and grow together.