Arkansas State Plant Board Votes on Dicamba Ban


State Plant Board members voted today during a public hearing and board meeting to approve regulatory changes for the application of products labeled for agricultural use that contain dicamba in Arkansas. Changes will prohibit the use in Arkansas between April 16 and October 31. The regulations include exemptions for the use of dicamba in pastures, rangeland, turf, ornamental, direct injection for forestry, and home use. This regulation change is now subject to final approval by the executive subcommittee of the Arkansas Legislative Council.

The Board’s regulatory changes concerning the use of dicamba were subject to a 30 day public comment period which ended on October 30. Over 29,000 public written comments were received by email, mail, and fax. Thirtyseven individuals provided testimony at the public hearing today.

On Tuesday, December 12, the Plant Board will host a public hearing and board meeting to consider changes to the Arkansas Pesticide Control Act Regulation, Regulations under Act 410. ACA 2-16-402 (b).

The proposed regulations would clarify the Plant Board’s ability to request additional information about a pesticide before it is registered for use in the State of Arkansas.