DuPont’s Lumisena™ Seed Treatment Delivers Season-Long Benefits

Every growing season features a range of harsh conditions. During those months between planting and harvest, soybeans see extreme temperatures, varying moisture levels and fluctuating pest pressure. As a result, the plant can struggle to maintain its vigor.

At 2017 plot tours and field days, DuPont’s newest seed treatment, Lumisena™, is proving it can offer season-long benefits despite whatever Mother Nature throws its way.

“This spring and summer, across all geographies, Lumisena has shown very good performance. What’s exciting is the fact we have a very large trial program with internal and external groups. In those trials we’ve witnessed early vigor and emergence, improved stand and plant health,” said David Borgmeier, U.S. Seed Applied Technology Category Leader.

The fungicide offers a new mode of action for all life cycle phases of Phytophthora, the most prevalent soybean disease in the United States. The U.S. Soybean Board estimated that 300 million bushels in soybean yields were lost to the disease over the last 10 years, making it the largest yield-robbing disease across the U.S. Lumisena will be available to growers in the fall of 2017 for the 2018 spring planting season.

Growers and seed professionals who’ve visited DuPont’s large acreage demonstration plots this year saw how Lumisena enhanced plant emergence early in the season, fended off the water mold disease and maintained strong stands into fall, making it the best in class product to protect against Phytophthora. Agronomists and seed sales professionals are eagerly posting photos on social media showing the robust roots of soybeans treated with Lumisena versus the industry standard. Borgmeier said the strong root system that’s formed early in the season allows for better water and nutrient uptake throughout the plant’s development and that results in varieties maximizing their yield potential.

“We’re very excited to get into this year’s yield results and look forward to sharing those results with customers this fall,” Borgmeier said. According to DuPont, results from multi-year research trials show Lumisena™ brings 1.7 bushels per acre advantage compared to the industry standard seed treatment under moderate disease pressure.

Search for ‘Lumisena seed treatment’ on Facebook and Twitter to see more testimonials.

Lumisena is the third product DuPont’s Seed Treatment Enterprise has brought to market in the last four years. DuPont has a new insecticide seed treatment for soybeans that targets bean leaf beetles, aphids, thrips, seed corn maggot and wireworm with a targeted registration in 2018.