Alta Seeds Introduces Sorghum Hybrids with Sugarcane Aphid Tolerance


Alta Seeds, the seed brand of Advanta Seeds, announces its new lineup of Aphix grain sorghum hybrids with a high level of sugarcane aphid tolerance.

Aphix grain sorghum hybrids deliver low sugarcane aphid damage scores in testing by the USDA Agricultural Research Service. In addition to pest tolerance, these Alta Seeds hybrids offer other high performance attributes such as yield potential, drought tolerance and adaptability across a wide range of conditions.

“The new Aphix lineup exemplifies our dedication to developing solutions with cutting-edge traits and genetics for sorghum growers,” says Ben Beyer, Advanta Seeds USA sorghum breeding lead. “Every season we select new hybrids with strong tolerance to aphid pressure compared to existing commercial and competitor’s products. Alta Seeds will continue to expand the lineup to help growers prevent damage in their fields from this and other damaging pests.”

Sugarcane aphid infestations can cause up to 100 percent crop loss if left uncontrolled according to Defense Against the Sugarcane Aphid from Sorghum Checkoff. Selecting a tolerant hybrid is the first step of an insect pest management plan to prevent crop losses from this relatively new, but damaging, sorghum pest.

Look for these Aphix grain sorghum hybrids from Alta Seeds:

  • ADV G3247 – High top end yielding medium-late bronze hybrid with excellent test weights, and performance in limited irrigation systems.
  • AG1301 – Medium-early cream hybrid for dryland or irrigated with excellent staygreen, standability and wide adaptability with plant uniformity.
  • AG1203 – Trial-topping medium-early bronze hybrid with outstanding yields across the High Plains and excellent standability, uniformity and drought tolerance for dryland or irrigated fields.
  • AG1201 – Widely adaptable early bronze hybrid with excellent yield for maturity, strong drought tolerance and adaptability as a double crop option.