Brazil’s Biotech Commission Approves Conkesta Enlist E3 Soybean

During their August plenary meeting, the National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) of Brazil approved a new variety of Bt soybean for planting, human consumption, and animal consumption. In addition to insect resistance, the genetically modified (GM) soybean has tolerance to three herbicides: glyphosate, glufosinate and dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).

The GM soybean was obtained by crossing the events DAS-81419-2 and DAS-44406-6, and contains two genes for insect resistance (cry1Acand cry1F) and three for herbicide tolerance (aad-12, 2mepsps and pat).

The technology belongs to Dow AgroSciences, named as Conkesta Enlist E3, and the first product released by CTNBio that has genes for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance in a single event.

Dow AgroSciences is now working on the registration with Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture. The same event was released in Argentina in 2016.