Syngenta Launches Hard Red Winter Wheat SY Grit


This morning (July 11), Syngenta introduced SY Grit, a hard red winter wheat variety, to its AgriPro brand wheat portfolio for the 2017-18 season.

SY Grit stands well in good conditions and offers excellent straw strength, according to the company. It also features great drought tolerance to maintain yields in tough, dry conditions. SY Grit is a medium early maturity with a good disease tolerance package, well suited for the Central and Southern Plains and is widely adapted in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and across southern Nebraska.

“SY Grit is a great example of the hardy, locally-adapted varieties growers have come to expect from the AgriPro brand,” says Greg McCormack, key account manager for the Plains region. “We’re excited that we can deliver high-performing varieties like this year after year.”

Syngenta reports that AgriPro wheat varieties are top performers, consistently ranking in the top yield group regionally across North America and are expertly positioned to deliver consistent performance where they are planted, offering best-in-class disease packages, leading agronomics and outstanding yields.

Learn more about SY Grit at