Companies Celebrate National Pollinator Week

This week, June 19-25, special events and educational activities will be held across the country in celebration of Pollinator Week — something that started 10 years ago when Congress set aside a week in June to recognize the importance of pollinators to the health of ecosystems and agriculture in the United States.

As such, Bayer is hosting a series of webinars this week to showcase research aimed at making an impact on honeybee colony health. Topics include tracking the changing Deformed Wing Virus, keys to colony success and smarter hives, healthier bees. The webinar series is open to anyone interested in learning more about bee health. For more information about Bayer’s webinar series, visit

In Ohio, the American Beekeeping Federation Honey Queen, Maia Jaycox, will be making the rounds at a series of events and talking about the importance of honeybees to our daily lives and how the diverse flight-path of honeybees extends from food to fiber. For example honeybee pollination contributes nearly $30 billion annually to U.S. agriculture.

Additionally, Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation will dedicate two acres of land at its corporate headquarters in Marysville, Ohio, to pollinator habitat. Corporate properties can be pollinator havens, reduce land management and maintenance costs, support local beekeepers and native pollinators, reduce storm water run-off and reduce carbon emissions.

National Pollinator Week is shepherded by the Pollinator Partnership, a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the health of pollinators through conservation, education and research.

Discover events in your area and learn more about Pollinator Week at