
Crops in Illinois have been found to have a drought memory that helps them reduce...
Latham Hi-Tech Seeds partners with the Iowa Soybean Research Center to provide farmers with the...
Slow and steady wilting makes for better soybeans. Learn how to maximize soybean quality with...
Researchers develop new strategies to combat Tar Spot, a fungal disease that threatens US corn...
Fusarium wilt of cotton is more aggressive and diverse than previously thought. Learn how to...
Purdue researchers warn of tight ag chemical supply & high prices impacting 2022 growing season....
Canadian team wins prestigious Borlaug Stewardship Award for innovative wheat rust research. Recognizing their efforts...
AI technology predicts growing season challenges to help farmers plan ahead. Partnership between SW Global...
Early planting of beans could increase seed treatment sales. Learn how to maximize yield and...
Bacteria enters through natural openings in corn leaves to cause Goss's Wilt. Learn how to...
USDA invests $146M to support sustainable agricultural research, helping farmers and ranchers increase efficiency and...
Salt stress affects legume-rhizobacteria symbiosis, reducing legume growth and nodulation. Learn how to mitigate salt...
USask announces new insect research facility to study the impact of climate change on insect...
Machine learning reveals genes critical to agriculture and medicine. Discover how this technology is revolutionizing...
Origin Agritech and China Agricultural University to collaborate on research of molecular design of corn....
U.S. tomato growers could lose up to $250M/year due to new trade agreement with Mexico....
KWS, a leading seed company, has announced ambitious sustainability targets for 2030. Learn more about...
Chemists discover a new way to get reluctant seeds to sprout, using a chemical process...
Filipino researcher discovers gene for drought resistance in rice, unlocking potential for improved crop yields...
Grow your own Covid-19 vaccine? Scientists are exploring the possibility of using plants and bacteria...
WUR is giving away free licenses to use CRISPR technology to fight hunger. Learn more...
Prairie wheat research groups commit $3.5 million to the University of Manitoba for wheat breeding...
Cellular agriculture is a revolutionary technology that could revolutionize the food industry. Learn how it...
Canada pauses reviews of pesticides, including glyphosate, to protect human health and the environment. Get...
Learn how the US is transforming its agricultural industry to become more sustainable and efficient....
Researchers discover gene that controls angle of root growth in corn, unlocking potential for improved...
Microbes in soil can help hybrid corn plants grow stronger and more resilient. New research...
Retired plant pathologist Don gives tomato seeds to developing nations to help improve food security....
Improve nitrogen management with accurate measurements. Learn how to measure nitrogen levels in soil and...
New research chair at USask will help bolster profile of forage crops, improving sustainability and...
Elevated warming and ozone have detrimental effects on plant roots, leading to soil carbon loss....
USask researchers are developing a commercial supply of fava beans without vicine and convicine, a...
Tomatoes are more than just red! Learn how color and flavor pigments play a role...
Researchers discover gene that allows potatoes to self-pollinate, improving crop yields and food security....
New research reveals how barley can be grown in higher temperatures, leading to higher yields....
Unlock the secrets of onion genomes with WUR researchers! Learn how they are using genomics...
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