Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and its historical role in delivering field-ready cultivars is evolving — a transition that has...
Join SeCan’s Western Canadian team for an exclusive webinar on the latest seed varieties making waves for the 2025 planting...
The seed industry is currently navigating a period of low commodity prices, which is squeezing margins. That, together with incredibly...
In our recent episode of Seed Speaks, we talk about why consumers don’t understand regenerative ag.
...If you’re a seed processor looking to level up your operations — or just curious about the cutting-edge technologies reshaping...
In the mid-1990s, Bill Rooney took on a research program that would become pivotal in bioenergy. Rooney, now recognized as...
For Cole Hammett, entomology and plant pathology student at North Carolina State University and 2024 National Association for Plant Breeding...
Jim Luby, who has led the fruit breeding program at the University of Minnesota since the early 1980s, is retiring....