Seed World

Research Advances in the Development of Beans More Efficient in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

The selected strains have high rates of nodulation in the roots, an essential characteristic for FBN. Photo: Embrapa

Researchers from Goiás and Mato Grosso, working within Embrapa’s bean breeding program, have identified four carioca bean lines with strong potential for developing more efficient varieties in Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF). These four lines serve as gene donor sources for plant crossings.  

The selected lines — CNFC 15086, BRS Sublime, CNFC 15010, and CNFC 15003 — will be crossed with high-yield varieties. These strains exhibit high nodulation rates in their roots, a key trait for BNF, indicating that seed inoculation with rhizobia microorganisms was effective. Within these nodules, atmospheric nitrogen is converted into ammonia, which the plant absorbs to support growth. This natural nitrogen fixation can partially or entirely replace chemical nitrogen fertilizers, reducing production costs and enhancing agricultural sustainability, according to a press release.  

According to researcher Helton Pereira from Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, the study evaluated 19 carioca bean lines. The research followed standard bean cultivation treatments across five locations — Anápolis and Santo Antônio de Goiás (GO), Tangará da Serra (MT), Ponta Grossa (PR), and Brasília (DF) — over two years and three annual harvests (wet season, dry season, and winter).  

In each environment, experiments were conducted using two approaches: one applying urea as a nitrogen fertilizer at sowing and as a top dressing, and another using seed inoculation with two commercial products containing Rhizobium freirei and Rtropici.  

“The four best evaluated lines will now integrate the crosses of the breeding program of the bean for carioca grain,” said Pereira.

The research aimed at identifying and developing bean cultivars with enhanced biological nitrogen fixation is a collaborative effort between Embrapa, the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology Goiano (IF Goiano), the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), and the Mato Grosso Company of Research, Assistance, and Rural Extension (Empaer).

Click here and access the study in full.