Seed World

Seed Congress of the Americas: Day 2 Photos

Diego Risso, Director of SAA, giving the opening speech of DAY 2 of the Seed Congress of the Americas.

Day 2 of the Seed Congress of the Americas was packed with fascinating sessions.

From stability and food security to good practices in professional seed treatment, the day covered a range of topics. Here are a few snapshots from the day. 

Panelists of the Agtech startup discussion — Enid Perez-Lara, Agronomix; Esteban Hernando, Calice; Xavier Urbaneja, SICPA; Fernando Freytes, Telecom; Darío Baudino, Tracestory. Moderator: Carlos Becco.
Michael Keller, Secretary General of ISF and Elena Mansur, Associate Editor of Seed World LATAM.
From left to right: Yolanda Huerta, Vice President of UPOV; Mario Schindler, Executive Director of ANPROS; Daniel Bayce, Director of INASE Uruguay; Diego Risso, Executive Director of SAA.
Alfredo Paseyro, ASA and Lorena Basso, Basso Semillas
The protagonists of our covers: Cristina Alucema of HyTech of the Mexican Seed Association Chile and Marlene Ortiz, AMSAC
Elena Mansur from Seed World LATAM and Mario Schindler from ANPROS Chile.