Seed World

Spotlight on the XXII Brazilian Seed Congress

The Congress, which runs Sept. 10 – 13, is focused on Seed: The Essence of Sustainability.

The XXII Brazilian Seed Congress (CBSementes) began this week, on Sept. 10, at the Rafain Palace Hotel in Foz do Iguaçu, PR. With the theme “Seed: The Essence of Sustainability,” the event aims to be a focal point for discussing innovations, challenges, and opportunities in the seed sector. More than 1,400 seed sector professionals and academics are registered to attend, which not only underlines the relevance of this congress but also positions it as one of the most important in Latin America.

At a time when the seed sector is facing unprecedented challenges, the Brazilian Seed Congress will serve as a meeting point for leaders and experts. The event’s focus on sustainability reflects a profound and necessary transformation in the seed sector, where sustainability is not just a goal but a necessity.

Vera Barão, head of press for the Congress, points out that “this year’s chosen theme is extremely relevant, underscoring the importance of seeds in generating innovation, increasing productivity and conserving the environment.” She says she believes that the Congress addresses the importance of seeds not only as a raw material for food production but also as an essential agent for preserving natural resources and increasing profitability within the agricultural sector.

The Congress is evidence of the ongoing commitment to advancing the seed sector, a sector that, despite its fundamental role, often doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves. However, events like this one put the sector at the center of discussions about the future of feeding the world, offering a platform for new ideas and practices that could shape the way we farm and conserve.

As we immerse ourselves in discussions and debates at events like this Congress, we are not only seeking solutions to current challenges but also opening doors to a more sustainable and innovative future.

Keynotes and Sessions: What to expect

Promoted by the Brazilian Seed Technology Association (ABRATES), the Brazilian Seed Congress brings together leaders and experts to discuss crucial issues for the seed sector. 

The Congress is divided into four main sessions: Forest Seed Technology, Forage Seeds, Seed Pathology and Seed Analysis. Each one offers a platform of specific topics, reflecting the seed sector’s diversity and complexity. Within those four categories, the Congress offers a long line-up of keynote and panel discussions. Some of the most notable include:

  • The XXII Brazilian Seed Congress begins with a new element: the Journal of Seed Science (JSS) Space. This special session will showcase selected scientific articles published in the Journal of Seed Science over the last two years. Professor Laércio Junio da Silva, the editor of JSS, points out that “the technologies and innovations in the research represent important advances for the seed industry, boosting the sector’s development and sustainability.”
  • The 1st Brazilian Seed Analysis Symposium, organized by the Seed Analysis Technical Committee, promises to be a major reference for professional updates. Focusing on current innovations and best practices in seed analysis, the symposium offers a unique opportunity to improve seed quality in Brazil. Dr. José de Barros França Neto, from Embrapa Soy and vice-president of ABRATES, will moderate a panel on innovations in seed analysis, including tests, methodologies and artificial intelligence.

    Maria de Fátima Zorato will present “Updates for the Seed Sector in Laboratories” and will address the importance of genetics and technological innovations to increase food production, but will also warn of the associated challenges, such as genetic responsiveness and the impact of Brazilian climatic conditions.

    Valquíria de Fátima Ferreira Mavaieie, coordinator of the Seed Analysis Technical Committee, expressed her enthusiasm for the reactivation of the committee, which, after a period of inactivity, returns again to promote innovation and excellence in the sector. “The Seed Analysis Symposium is crucial for everyone in the seed production chain, to promote quality and excellence in the Brazilian market,” concluded Valquíria.
  • Agronomist Geri Eduardo Meneghello, PhD in seed science and technology from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), will give a lecture on “The Science of Seed Storage for a Sustainable World,” an increasingly relevant topic for sustainability. He points out that this edition of the event will expand the discussions beyond the main crops, such as soy, corn, wheat and rice, to include forage, forestry, vegetables, and wild and medicinal plants. He explains that each species has specific characteristics that influence its storage needs and shelf life, which can vary from months to years, depending on the conditions.

    With advances in technology, practices that were once unfeasible, such as cooling seeds on a large scale, are now possible. The use of photovoltaic energy is an example of sustainable innovation, especially in tropical regions. “The use of photovoltaics is an excellent practice that goes hand in hand with sustainability as an appropriate use of energy sources to preserve seed quality,” Meneghello says. He will also discuss the preservation of native and wild species, highlighting the importance of germplasm banks, which guarantee the conservation of biodiversity.

Technological and Regulatory Innovations

Another crucial point of the congress will be the discussion on biotechnology and gene editing. Dr. Liliane Mertz Henning, a researcher at Embrapa Soy, will present “Biotechnology in the Field of Gene Editing,” addressing the impact of gene editing using the CRISPR tool and the use of RNA interference for pest control. These innovations promise to transform agriculture, but also raise regulatory issues that need to be addressed to ensure the safety and efficacy of these technologies.

She will talk about the regulatory challenges that accompany these innovations. “Technological advances need to be supported by a robust regulatory framework, both in Brazil and internationally,” she says.

The Value of Seed Conferences for the Sector

Seed World LATAM talked with many of the Congress presenters and organizers in the lead-up to the Congress. All agreed that the main reasons for attending the Congress are the importance of networking and staying up to date on technological developments. The event is a platform for continuous learning through lectures, workshops, panel discussions and conversations with other attendees, allowing participants to acquire new knowledge to apply innovations to their practices.

Conferences play a key role in advancing the seed sector by providing opportunities for technical and scientific learning, allowing participants to keep up with the latest developments in the industry.

Fernando Henning, president of the congress and Embrapa representative, points out that the Brazilian Seed Congress “brings together experts and industry leaders to share the latest innovations, technologies and scientific advances in the seed sector, allowing participants to refresh their knowledge and stay ahead of market trends.” It also “showcases technologies such as biotechnology, artificial intelligence, automation and innovative methods of seed analysis and production.”

Meneghello says that the Congress is “the largest and most important technical-scientific event in the sector focusing exclusively on seeds,” stressing the importance of networking and exchanging experiences between professionals and institutions.

Fernanda da Motta Xavier, agronomist and one of Forbes Magazine’s ‘100 Women Doctors of AGRO’, says that she has continuously participated in the Brazilian Seed Congress since 2015. Xavier says attendance plays a key role in understanding market trends and public policies, as well as how these issues directly impact companies and professionals in the sector. She points out that “the seed sector is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methods emerging all the time. The Congress is an excellent opportunity to get up to speed on the latest innovations and trends, ensuring that we can apply the latest knowledge in our work.”

The XXII Brazilian Seed Congress aims to be a landmark event for the sector, addressing key issues on sustainability, innovation and seed quality. The diversity of topics and the presence of renowned experts should support enriching debate and offer a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences. For professionals in the sector, the Congress offers a unique opportunity to update, connect and collaborate to advance sustainable agriculture.