Seed World

BASC 2024: Pioneering the Future of Forage Seeds 

This November, the Buenos Aires Seed Convention (BASC) will once again bring together leaders and innovators from the forage, cover crop, and turfgrass seed industries for its 12th International Business Meeting. Taking place in the stunning city of Mar del Plata, Argentina’s premier Atlantic coast destination (400 km southeast of the country’s capital of Buenos Aires), the event promises to elevate the seed sector through dynamic networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

From Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata: A New Chapter for BASC

Breaking away from its traditional setting in the nation’s capital, BASC 2024 will occur on Nov. 7 and 8 in Mar del Plata, a famed tourist city and convention destination with breathtaking coastal views. The luxurious seaside venue will host delegates from around the globe in the perfect environment for professional engagement and business dealings, offering spacious facilities and sufficient unreserved and reserved trading tables to meet the growing number of attendees registered each year. Attendees can expect a robust program featuring international business networking, professional seed treatments, AgTech innovations, and advanced plant equipment.

Organized by the Cámara de Semilleristas de la Bolsa de Cereales, Argentina’s leading association for this sector of the seed industry and an ordinary member of the International Seed Federation (ISF). BASC’s mission is to foster global business opportunities, create synergies, and expand professional networks.

A Deep Dive into Argentina’s Forage Seed Expertise

The convention kicks off with a Technical Tour on Nov. 6, providing an in-depth look at the professional production of forage seeds in the Buenos Aires Province. Participants will explore seed production plots near Mar del Plata and in the neighboring town of Balcarce. This tour aims to highlight the region’s temperate forage seed production and pastures, possible thanks to the region’s rich organic soils and favorable oceanic climate.

Argentina’s Forage Seed Industry: A Growing Global Player

Argentina stands out for its vast pastures that support milk and beef production. Its favorable agroclimatic conditions and skilled human resources also make it an ideal environment for high-quality seed production. The country’s strategic location allows for off-season seed production for the Northern Hemisphere, while adherence to international certification systems like the OECD, AOSCA, and DEE (Exclusive Export Destination Certificate) underscores the reliability of Argentina’s seed exports. Notably, the 2012/2013 agricultural season marked a significant milestone as Argentine exports of temperate forage seeds exceeded imports for the first time—a trend that continues to grow.

Meanwhile, the market for subtropical forage species seeds is expanding, boosting productivity in more challenging environments. Argentina remains focused on consolidating and opening export markets and developing new domestic consumption markets, ensuring a balanced interplay between home-grown production and seed imports.

Join Us in Mar del Plata

The Buenos Aires Seed Convention (BASC) is more than just a business meeting — it’s a platform for forging new frontiers, strengthening industry bonds, and sharing pioneering experiences. We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to Mar del Plata, where the future of forage seeds will be discussed, developed, and driven forward.

For more information and to register, visit our website: