SW: Can you describe AMSAC?
Puente: AMSAC has a membership of 90 companies, increasing by 15 new companies in the last three years. AMSAC companies represent around 80% of the improved seed market in Mexico and generate close to 100,000 direct jobs and 300,000 indirect jobs. The value of the seed market in Mexico is estimated at US$1 billion per year.

SW: What are AMSAC’s key priorities?
Puente: Our top three priorities are:
1. To continue to be recognized as the benchmark for everything related to improved seeds in Mexico, especially since recently, in June 2024, Mexico had its presidential elections for a new government administration.
2. To improve the regulatory environment for seed production and trade through three lines of action:
a) strengthening the intellectual property framework for plant varieties to align with international principles and encouraging research and development of new plant varieties in Mexico.
b) implementing joint actions with the authorities to reduce seed piracy and raise awareness and inspection.
c) working with the government to improve the phytosanitary framework and facilitate the international movement of seeds.
3. To support the government in the development of an appropriate regulatory framework for products obtained through new plant breeding techniques, which allow new varieties to be obtained that offer benefits to farmers in the face of climate change and the population’s demand for food.