Study Reveals Stable Soil Moisture Variability
A multi-institutional study led by University of Illinois and Agroecosystem Sustainability Center (ASC) scientists concluded that, although soil moisture varies significantly both within a single field and from field to field due to varying soil properties and different management practices, soil moisture distribution relative to the field average remains consistent across time within each field.
Dan Foor Activated as New ASTA Chair
Dan Foor, senior vice president of distribution at DLF North America, is the new chair of the American Seed Trade Association’s (ASTA) board of directors. In a gavel-passing ceremony at ASTA’s Leadership Summit in Nashville, Dave Armstrong, concluded his one-year term and shared thanks and personal reflections in his final address.
Register for our Next Webinar to Find out What’s New in the Battle Against Pests and Disease
François Eudes says AAFC’s Role in Plant Science is Evolving, and it has Everything to do with Technology
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s scientific capacity today is not less than it was prior to 2000, François Eudes says. What’s really changed is the speed of technology. François Eudes wears […]
How to Become an Effective CEO of Your Career
We sat down with Jovan Djordjevic, director of education at UC Davis’ Seed Biotechnology Center (SBC) and co-founder of Murray River Seeds, to talk about why continuing education is worth the investment, no matter what part of the seed value chain you call home.
The New Normal: Managing Agricultural Inputs Amidst Market Volatility
Over the past three years, the global economic landscape has been marked by unprecedented levels of disruption. When it comes to risk mitigation strategies, it’s crucial to understand the scale of these disruptions.
La Nueva Normalidad: El Manejo de Insumos Agrícolas ante la Volatilidad de los Mercados
En los últimos tres años, el panorama económico mundial ha estado marcado por unos niveles de disrupción sin precedentes. En cuanto a las estrategias para mitigar riesgos, es crucial comprender la magnitud de estas disrupciones.
ISTA: A Brief History of Seed Testing
Frederich Nobbe published his famous Handbook of Seed Science and the motto of the meeting held in Hamburg that year was “uniformity in seed testing”. This later became the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) logo.
Maizex Seeds is Retiring the Elite Seeds Brand
Maizex Seeds has announced its forage and cereal varieties will now be marketed under the Maizex brand, following a similar rebranding of its soybeans line last year. This move brings […]
Pivotar como un profesional
Después de una reunión anual, varias reuniones de seguimiento, algunas decisiones difíciles y una puesta en marcha a gran escala a principios de año, el reciente informe sobre las perspectivas de los consumidores ha trastocado su planteamiento para obtener los resultados anuales esperados. Estos nuevos datos supondrán un cambio en el gasto de recursos y un replanteamiento de las prioridades de los proyectos del año en curso.
You Won’t Want to Miss Cambridge!
The International Seed Testing Association is in the final planning stages of its Centennial Annual Meeting, coming up July 1-5 in Cambridge, UK. Mark your calendar to be part of the celebration and the goal setting as ISTA steps into its second century.
National Perspective: Peru: Asociación Peruana de Semillas (APESEMILLAS)
The association has 20 members, including seed producers, researchers, exporters and importers from all over the country, representing 87.2% of seed imports and 65.2% of seed exports. In addition, APESemillas is in the process of including small seed producers in its representation, so that they can have a space to communicate their different needs and problems, consolidating APESemillas as a key player in both the national and international seed market.
Perspectiva Nacional: Perú: Asociación Peruana de Semillas (APESEMILLAS)
La asociación cuenta con 20 miembros, incluyendo productores, investigadores, exportadores e importadores de semillas de todo el país; representando en participación un 87.2% de las importaciones y un 65.2% de las exportaciones de semillas. Además, están en proceso de incluir a su representatividad a pequeños productores de semillas, con el objetivo de que puedan tener un espacio para trasladar sus diferentes necesidades y problemáticas, consolidando a APES como un actor clave tanto en el mercado nacional e internacional de semillas.
Historic Wheat Collection Reveals Untapped Diversity
An international study, published in Nature, has revealed that at least 60% of the genetic diversity found in a historic collection of wheat is unused providing an unprecedented opportunity to improve modern wheat and sustainably feed a growing global population.
Perspectiva Nacional: Uruguay
Rodolfo Fonseca: Gerente General, Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas (ANAPROSE) SW: ¿Cómo describirías a ANAPROSE? ANAPROSE, la Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas de Uruguay, fundada en 1964 y con […]
National Perspective: Uruguay
Rodolfo Fonseca: General Manager – ANAPROSE SW: Can you describe ANAPROSE? Fonseca: ANAPROSE, Uruguay’s National Seed Producers Association founded in 1964 and a legal entity since 1992, brings together 17 seed-producing […]
National Perspective: Chile: Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas (ANPROS)
Schindler: ANPROS invests its energy in supporting three main priorities: developing and accessing better seed varieties, maintaining Chile’s leadership and image as a leading contra-season producer in the southern hemisphere, and advancing in matters of sustainability.
Perspectiva Nacional Chile: Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas (ANPROS)
Schindler: ANPROS invierte energía en apoyar tres prioridades principales: desarrollar y acceder a mejores variedades de semillas, mantener el liderazgo de Chile y nuestra imagen como productor de contraestación en el hemisferio sur, y avanzar en materias de sustentabilidad.
Alberta Crop Diagnostic Days to be Featured at AgSmart Next Month
An exciting new event is set to further enhance the experience offered at the annual AgSmart event taking place in Olds, Alta. next month. The Alberta Crop Diagnostic Day will take place […]
ASTA Recognizes Seed Industry Pioneers
The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) honored industry pioneers at the 2024 ASTA Leadership Summit in Nashville, Tennessee. The honorees were recognized in the categories of Heritage, Distinguished Service, Lifetime Honorary Member and Excellence in Science.
You are Myth Taken: Fake News is All Around Us
I used to think that fake news, news that is deliberately false, misleading, or biased, was something recent and inextricably linked to the internet. I couldn’t have been more wrong. False rumors and inaccurate reporting have been with us for as long as there have been people to create and spread them. Long before the arrival of social media, in fact right since the invention of the printing press, fake news has been a part of media history. But it was the development and widespread use of the internet that greatly increased the ability for literally anyone to write and quickly spread misleading content all over the world at the push of a button.
Dejándose Llevar por los Mitos: Las Noticias Falsas Nos Rodean
Solía pensar que las fake news, noticias deliberadamente falsas, engañosas o tendenciosas, eran algo reciente e inextricablemente ligado a Internet. No podía estar más equivocado. Los rumores falsos y las noticias inexactas han estado con nosotros desde que hay gente que los crea y los difunde. Mucho antes de la llegada de las redes sociales, de hecho, desde la invención de la imprenta, las noticias falsas han formado parte de la historia de los medios de comunicación. Pero fue el desarrollo y el uso generalizado de Internet lo que aumentó enormemente la capacidad de cualquiera para escribir y difundir rápidamente contenidos engañosos por todo el mundo con sólo pulsar un botón.
APSA and ISF Sign MoU to Foster Technical and Advocacy Cooperation
The Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA) and the International Seed Federation (ISF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the centennial ISF World Seed held in Rotterdam.
Benefits of ISTA Membership
Members of the International Seed Trade Association gain in multiple ways.
Cheers to Major Milestones at ISTA, ISF and Seed World too!
100 years! Congratulations to the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) for standing at the forefront of global seed and food security for the past century. For a full 10 decades, ISTA has been the driving force towards promoting international standardisation in seed sampling, testing and reporting. I’m delighted to be travelling to Cambridge to celebrate the Centenary and report to the wider world of seed as ISTA charts its path forward into the next century.
Albaugh Names New North American VP of Technology
Nathan Kimmerle reecently joined Albaugh, LLC as the North America Region Vice President – Technology.
According to an Albaugh news relase, Kimmerle will oversee production and operations at Albaugh’s manufacturing facility in St. Joseph, Missouri.
3 Reasons to Register for the NAPB Meeting Before July 1
If you want to help Rethink, Reinvent, and Revolutionize plant breeding, an upcoming event being held in St. Louis, Miss., is for you. Early bird registration for the annual meeting […]
National Perspective: Mexico: Asociación Mexicana de Semilleros (AMSAC)
Puente: AMSAC has a membership of 90 companies, increasing by 15 new companies in the last three years. AMSAC companies represent around 80% of the improved seed market in Mexico and generate close to 100,000 direct jobs and 300,000 indirect jobs. The value of the seed market in Mexico is estimated at US$1 billion per year.
Perspectiva Nacional: México: Asociación Mexicana de Semilleros (AMSAC)
La Asociación Mexicana de Semilleros, A.C. (AMSAC) cuenta con una membresía de 90 empresas, con un incremento de 15 nuevas empresas en los últimos tres años. Las empresas de AMSAC representan alrededor de 80% del mercado de semillas mejoradas en México, y generan cerca de 100 mil empleos directos y 300 mil indirectos. El valor de mercado de semillas en México se estima en 1,000 millones de dólares anuales.
Growing Leaders
“You know what’s wild? In the agribusiness world and seed in particular, we know so much about what’s going on with our fields and our crops. We have technology today that can look at how a crop is growing and decide in the moment whether we should put product down or not. We can link our harvesting equipment to satellites that read the biomass of the field and tell our equipment exactly how to harvest that field. Yet in the world of how we grow and develop our people, we scratch our heads and say: ‘I don’t know what to do.’ If we knew as much about our people as we do about our crops and fields, we’d be in a remarkable place.”
World Agri-Tech South America Summit Starts Today
The fifth World Agri-Tech South America Summit begins today, June 18, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Summit focuses on innovation across the entire agricultural supply chain, showcasing how investments, new technologies and partnerships are improving resilience for one of the most important food production regions.
An Inside Look at ISTA’s Goals for its Second Century
As the International Seed Trade Association celebrates 100 years, ISTA Secretary General Andreas Wais and ISTA President Dr. Keshavulu Kunusoth make plans to lead the organization forward in a changing political and regulatory landscape.
New Lettuce Breeding Lines Show Strong Resistance to Major Pests and Diseases
USDA-ARS study reveals advanced green leaf, red leaf and romaine lettuce varieties that combat leafminer, corky root, and downy mildew, offering a sustainable alternative to chemical interventions for farmers.
Farmers Turn to Regenerative Agriculture Amid Climate Challenges
As U.S. farmers deal with extreme weather conditions like heat, drought, heavy rainfall, flooding and erosion—all factors of climate change affecting crops—there’s been increasing interest in regenerative agriculture. Big agriculture companies are promoting “carbon farming” as a way to make money while also improving soil health.
In an Effort to be More Inclusive, the CSGA is Launching a Consultation on New Membership Classes
In what it calls an effort to foster an inclusive and forward-thinking seed certification system, the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) board of directors is formally beginning a consultation process […]
New National Barley Cluster Launched
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) announced a new Canadian National Barley Cluster, a significant initiative aimed at advancing barley production in Canada. With a value of $9.6 million over five […]