Moving ASTA FOORward

As the new chairman of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), Dan Foor brings a wealth of experience and a FOORward-looking vision to his role. With a background that spans more than two decades in the seed sector, Foor’s journey to this leadership position is marked by dedication, innovation and a deep commitment to the seed industry.

US Farmland Declines by 75 Million Acres Over 25 Years, Census Data Shows

A new analysis based on data from the U.S. Census of Agriculture reveals that farmland in the United States has shrunk by 75 million acres, or 8%, between 1997 and 2022. This decline is primarily attributed to the reduction in pastureland, which accounted for 88% of the total loss, with a decrease of 65 million acres. The report highlights that cropland and woodland also experienced declines of 2% and 6%,

Ag Groups Urge Congress to Reauthorize Key U.S. Trade Program

The GSP is a key U.S. trade program that expired at the end of 2020. In a letter addressed to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee, the groups emphasized the importance of renewing GSP to expand foreign markets for American growers and boost economic growth in developing countries.

EPA Grant Funding Research to Reduce PFAS

University of Virginia study aims to reduce “forever chemicals.” Bryan Berger, an associate professor of chemical engineering at the University of Virginia, received a $1.6 million grant from the Environmental […]

Bioplastics and the Plastic Waste Problem

In the classic film “The Graduate” a family friend corrals young Benjamin, who had just graduated from college, and whispers into his ear: “Plastics.” The year was 1967 and plastics […]

Are Regional Seed Associations Still Relevant?

I’ve heard the question more times than I’d like recently: “Are regional seed associations still relevant?” We’re living in a time where technology globally connects us in the blink of an eye. It’s easy to overlook the crucial role our regional associations still play. However, for those of us deeply involved in the seed industry, I would say that these associations remain indispensable. Here are five reasons why.

¿Está cegado por la luz?

Estoy dirigiendo una iniciativa de liderazgo organizacional en varias empresas utilizando la retroalimentación de 360 grados como punto de partida. Normalmente, la retroalimentación de 360 grados identifica debilidades o puntos […]

¡Bienvenidos a Buenos Aires!

Congreso de Semillas de las Américas 30 Sep al 2 Oct Desde el congreso mundial de Semillas hasta la conferencia anual de la Asociación de Agencias Oficiales de Certificación de […]

Equivalence of Ukrainian Seeds

The country is gaining equivalence of seeds for oil crops, sugar beets and soybeans. Ukraine has been a powerful contributor to the global and European agricultural market for several decades. […]

Research for Stronger Corn

New research uncovers the surprising role of COI1 proteins in maize, offering insights into how this staple crop balances growth and defense. Corn is one of the most globally significant […]

A New Way to Predict Corn Gene Expression

James Schnable, a plant breeding and genetics professor for the UN Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, is conducting research funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. His work focuses on using plant RNA or gene expression to predict differences between corn plants. This unique approach to evaluating corn hybrid performance in varying environmental conditions has the potential to streamline the development of not just corn, but other crop hybrids, drastically changing how hybrids are developed.

Predicting Corn Gene Expression, Part 2

Predicting the Future One of the team’s key findings was the correlation between when the plant starts grain filling and the amount of plant leaf surface. Under current conditions, the […]