How to Improve Breeding Efficiency and Genetic Gain

Climate change, loss of genetic diversity, and selection intensity are just a few challenges breeders are facing. Applying xSeedScore¨ supports breeders by dramatically improving breeding efficiency and genetic gain

The growing global food demand together with climate change have huge effects on food production and put intense pressure on farmers, growers and agricultural companies. This implies that new plant varieties have to be produced much quicker, and under less predictable growing conditions. Each field must be optimized for yield, environmental pressures, and disease resistance. 
xSeedScore¬® tackles these challenges and supplements the plant breeders’ toolbox. Learn how applying the machine learning technology xSeedScore¬® will dramatically improve breeding efficiency and genetic gain for today’s and future climates. Applying and making best use of xSeedScore¬® helps plant breeders make more informed choice and helps the breeding company create their own signature genetics.

What You Will Learn In The Webinar

  • How to apply and make best use of xSeedScore¬® machine learning technology focusing on 3 core questions: What do you have? What do you need? What do you want?
  • How xSeedScore¬® helps plant breeders to make an informed choice ‚Äã ‚Äã
  • How to apply xSeedScore¬® to see a real change in the fields ‚Äã
  • How applying machine learning helps to create signature genetics for a seed company

Download the webinar presentation by clicking here.