Webinar to Focus on Root Protection

There are a number of products on the market that focus on protecting plants once they are out of the ground, but more and more emphasis is being placed on what’s happening in the soil. Yield building starts on day one, according to Bayer’s Amy Burton, a root physiologist. Seed World will host a webinar on this very topic Sept. 29 at 1 p.m. Eastern.

The webinar will focus on the importance of roots of the need to protect them. Participants will get a market overview from BASF’s Steve Bergschneider. He will highlight trends with an eye toward the future. Next, Burton will talk about the importance of roots and how seed treatments can interact with the plant’s root system. Syngenta Seedcare’s Dale Ireland will hone in on what happens once the seed is in the ground and take viewers through those early stages in the plant lifecycle.

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